Sludge heat exchangers specially designed by Erk Proses for industrial plants enable efficient product use by optimizing heat transfer between sludge and water with their high performance.
To maintain the ideal temperature for bacterial activity, the content of the digester needs to be heated. Preheating the feedstock before it enters the digester will minimize the required heat within the digester itself, enhancing overall efficiency of the process. Prior to the circulation of sludge into the digester, the sludge temperature is raised to the desired level using sludge heating exchangers.
Heat is transferred from hot fluid to the cold sludge by circulating sludge through the inner pipe in a counterflow arrangement through two concentric pipes and circulating hot water between the inside of the other pipe and outside of the inner pipe surrounding it and thus, its temperature is raised to the desired level before the process.
To prevent potential blockages that might occur in conventional straight-piped systems, corrugated pipes can be used in the pipe design upon request. By doing so, high levels of heat transfer can be achieved without the risk of blockages arisen from spiral heat exchangers. This ensures continuous operation even in challenging environments.
Considering the large dimensions required for effective heat transfer in these exchangers, a skeleton design is made by exchanger manufacturing for a static stabilization with exchanger manufacturing. Additionally, upon request, the exchangers can be coated and insulated to preserve their efficiency. During the design phase, information such as flow rates of both fluids, inlet and outlet temperatures, operating pressures, and data on permissible loss of pressure according to the process flow should be communicated to us.
For more detailed information about sludge heat exchangers or to request a quote, you can contact us via the WhatsApp support line, our contact numbers, or by the quote request form available on our website.