Ensure efficient heat transfer at high temperature with Erk Proses' high temperature resistant heat exchangers specially designed for industrial hot oil applications.
Hot oil heat exchangers are heat transfer equipment used in industry for the purpose of generating hot water, steam, or heating a different process fluid by taking advantage of the energy of hot oil. Hot oil is generally used in various industrial applications such as energy production, industrial processes, and etc. Hot oil exchangers are designed to operate at high temperatures. When selecting an hot oil heat exchanger, appropriate materials such as compensators or similar equipment outside general manufacturing equipment should be chosen based on the relevant temperature and pressure criteria in order to prevent expansions due to temperature differences.
Since the properties of the fluids on both circuits of the hot oil heat exchanger play a crucial role in the design of exchanger, the properties of the oil used in hot oil heat exchangers are very important for the design. The choice of different oil types directly influences factors like capacity, pressure loss, and flow regime in the design process.
Another important aspect in oil processes is viscosity of the oil. Viscosity of oil is defined as its resistance to flow. To put it simply, it indicates how easily oil flows at a specified temperature. Thin oils have low viscosity and are easier to be poured at lower temperatures compared to thick oils with higher viscosity. Thin oils have less friction, which enables the process to start quickly in cold weather. On the other hand, thick oils are better at maintaining film strength and oil pressure at high temperatures. As the flow rate of the fluids with decreasing fluidity depending on the temperature or in other words, fluids with increasing viscosity within the exchanger decreases, this will cause to increase in energy consumption for the pumps needed to provide the required movement. This can result in reduced system efficiency. Selection of process fluid should be aligned with the required operating temperature ranges.
For more detailed information about hot oil heat exchanger or to request a quote, you can contact us via the WhatsApp support line, our contact numbers, or by the quote request form available on our website.